Article n°182

Rédigé le 25/05/2017
Donat Muamba

1) Establish a company / Congolese company. Cfr. Procedure to set up an enterprise

Headquarters :

442, Avenue of Science (within the enclosure of Office de Routes). 

Mobile : +(243)822284008 - Fixed +(243)125101209



Online registration :

2) Submit an approval application in two copies to SONAS, with further information and documents as hereafter :

For an Individual Enterprise

  • Extract of the RCCM registration ;
  • National Identification Number ;
  • Proof of knowledge in insurance ;
  • Solvency evidence by granting a property mortgage to SONAS ;
  • Investigation item on morality claimed by SONAS ;
  • Non exercise during 3 years before of activities inconsistent with the dignity of the profession of insurance broker.

For a Limited Liability Company

  • Being headquartered in Congo ;
  • Extract of the RCCM registration ;
  • National Identification Number ;
  • Authenticated copy of the statutes ;
  • Description of the company activities 3 years before the approval application ;
  • Composition of the Management Committee or Board of Directors and for every member, certificate of good conduct and curriculum vitae ;
  • Expatriates must prove their compliance with the immigration authorities ;
  • Knowledge evidence of the leaders in insurance ;
  • Solvency evidence ;
  • Investigation item on morality claimed by SONAS.

3) Costs to be paid

Formalities Generative act Duration Costs/USD Ets/Enterprise
1 Submission of file Examination - 500 USD
2 Confirmation of file Approval - 1,000 USD
3 Mortgage guarantee or bank guarantee Commitment - 25,000 USD
  TOTAL     26,500 USD
4 Opening extension Examination - 250 USD