Investment procedures in the electricity sector

Rédigé le 25/05/2017


A. To become self-producer of electricity

  • To build a hydroelectric power plant for personal use, you should obtain a license from the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources ( ;

  • In case he would sell electricity, you should must apply to the same Ministry.

In any case, the promoter may rely on the support of ANAPI which will advocate for him with the Ministry concerned.

B. Partnership Procedure.

In case of project financing

  • Directly contact either the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources or SNEL (public electricity company) for signing a memorandum of understanding ;

  • A MoU may be considered following discussions which result from the contact with the Ministry of Energy and SNEL.

In case of implementation of a project

  • Being registered as a company existing in the DRC ;

  • Get approval from the Ministries of Energy and Public Works.

C. Procedure for electricity connection

Four (4) steps are required for connecting in medium voltage (MT) :

Step One : Opening of the file (3 days)

  • Withdrawal of the application form by the applicant from the Research department in charge of electrical connection of the private cabins or from the website of the National Electricity Company ( ;

  • Submission of the complete file (form, civil engineering plans and wiring diagrams).

Step Two : Technical studies and approval of the application (7 days)

  • Review by SNEL of the record of the new Medium Voltage cabin (MV)/Low Voltage (LV) in accordance with plans and standard patterns and assessment of the possibility to connect it to the network ;

  • Issuance of quotations thereon by SNEL in case of a favorable opinion at the applicant’s expense and in case of refusal, the applicant’s notification by SNEL in that regard.

Step Three : Technical examination (1 day)

  • Payment to SNEL of the quotation by the applicant and notification by the latter of the end of Cabin construction at SNEL ;

  • Compliance control by SNEL of the piece of work compared to approved drawings and diagrams and that of the connection material in relation to the technical specifications required.

Step Four : Signature and setting the cabin into service (7 days)

  • Payment of the subscription policy ;

  • Signature of the energy supply contract ;

  • Connecting the MT/LT cab to the network ;

  • Setting the system of counting, adjusting and automation ;

  • Setting the cabin into service.

Time required : 18 days.