How to export

Rédigé le 25/05/2017


Decree No. 011/18 of 11 April 2011 on transitional harmonized procedural manual to be applied to the One-stop Shop on import and export of goods (

I. Formalities and pre- clearance procedures on export

  1. Getting the import-export number from the Secretariat General of Commerce. Cost $ 125, for a company ; 75 USD for an individual enterprise = annual tax.
  2. Consulting and obtaining the unique identifier through the One-stop Shop website allows the importer to know the documents required for the completion of the transaction, to know the issuer services, costs and time of issuance.
  3. Obtaining the different licenses required.
  4. Subscribe to an export license, then validate the license after paying the OCC control fees at the approved commercial bank or at the Central Bank of Congo.
  5. Obtaining the Verification Certificate for Export (CVE), after checking the product batch ready for export from the Congolese Control Authority (OCC) : Cost : determined based on the type of control and products.

Required documents :

  • a letter of request ;
  • Sales contract or pro forma invoice ;
  • List of the batch of products ready for export ;
  • Business license (if wood) ;
  • Quality certificate (case of coffee) ;
  • Authorization from the Ministry concerned (case of various products and species protected Certificate CITES).

Formalities and procedures for obtaining different licenses

Responsibles Actions Documents
One-stop Shop Authority Sending requests through the One-stop Shop system Application forms
Administration of Economy Evaluation of request and creation of purchase and sales licenses for specific products Purchase and sales license for specific products
Administration of Agriculture, Fisheries and Breeding via animal and vegetal Quarantine department Evaluation of request and creation of phytosanitary certificates and export license for agricultural products Phytosanitary certificate and export license
Administration of Culture and arts Evaluation of request and creation of export license of piece of art Export license of piece of art
Administration of environment and wildlife Evaluation of request and creation of logging permit, logs quota attribution and validation of sales contracts Logging permit, logs quota attribution and validation of sales contracts
Administration of health through the channel of international quarantine Evaluation of request and creation of export license of cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, narcotics and soporific Export license of cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, narcotics and soporific
Administration of mines Evaluation of request and license of mining products Export license of mining products
Administration of hydrocarbons Evaluation of request and creation of export license of oil products Export license of oil products

II. Formalities and export clearance procedures

Responsibles Actions Documents
Dealer Sales Department/Declarer The dealer’s sales department or declarer enters the BTR or waybill in the computer system dealer before the arrival of the shipment at the port.
  • BTR
  • Waybill
  • Pointing the shipment at the port entrance ;
  • Updating data on the dotted packages ;
  • Weighing and storage of the consignment
  • Support in customs or authorized facilities based on report of pointing jointly signed by the Customs and the representative of the exporter of the goods to be exported ;
  • Sealing or putting in declaratory signs of the goods ;
  • Entering the report of pointing.
Pointing report
  • Registering the goods to be exported in the register C148
Register C148
Declarer Inputting the EX customs declaration for export in similar conditions with declarations for import EX declaration and attachments (originals and copies)
  • Billing transit at Port ;
  • Integrating transit cost in the liquidation report
DGDA – One-stop Shop
  • Acceptance and processing the EX export declaration in similar way as the import declaration
  • EX declaration and attachments (originals and copies)
  • Liquidation after checking as per the criteria of selectivity (OCC, OGEFREM, dealer and other department)
  • Liquidation report
  • Payment of taxes and rights due
  • Liquidation report
  • Edition of the release warrant to allow export of goods .
  • Release warrant

III. Formalities and export pre-clearance procedures

oarding : Office Border/inside for direct export.

Steps Boarding
Responsible (Role) Actions Document
Forwarding agent Input in the customs computer network :
  • Of BL ;
  • Of the boarding instruction
BL, Boarding instruction
  • Retrieval of the boarding Instruction of the forwarding agent validated by the customs authority, OCC and OGEFREM ;
  • Processing the boarding instruction in the Stevedoring invoice sent to Shipping Agent ;
  • Checking and loading the shipment ;
  • Updating the database on the shipment boarded ;
  • Editing the list of the boarding sheet ;
  • Sending the boarding signal to different partners.
List and boarding sheet
Shipping Agent
  • Retrieval of BL in the customs computer network ;
  • Electronic transmission of BL signed to Forwarding Agent (optical pencil or scanning) ;
  • Establishing electronically the manifest considering the shipments really loaded ;
  • Electronic transmission of the manifest made.
  • Retrieving electronic manifest ;
  • Auditing their data.
  • Transfering the electronic signal to the One-stop Shop to confirm the real need of port facilities ;
  • Issuing a checking certificate on export by OCC.
Checking certificate on export