
Rédigé le 25/05/2017


I. Opportunities and advantages

Opportunities to invest are justified from countless transport infrastructure available in the country and in different networks.

  • Road network : 152,400 km of road :
    • 7400 km of urban roads ;
    • 58,129 km of roads of general interest ;
    • 86 871km of roads of local interest or agricultural access.
  • Railway network 5033 km of railways, not interconnected and not having the same standards (1,067 m, 1 m and 0.6 m spacing) ;
    • A line linking Matadi to Kinshasa, 365km long with a 1,067m spacing ;
    • A line with a wider network in conjunction with Zambia, Angola and Tanganyika Lake, with Lubumbashi as a central point. This network spreads on 3,641 km (including 858 km electrified) in Katanga, Kasai-Occidental, Kasai Oriental and Maniema. Its distance is 1.067 m ;
    • Katanga Line : From Kabalo - Kamina - Kolwezi- Likasi - Lubumbashi - Sakania - Zambia ;
    • Kasai line : it connects Ilebo- Kananga - Mwene Ditu- Kamina ;
    • Benguela railway : Kamina - Dilolo - Angola (Benguela railway) ;
    • Railway Kindu- Kongolo- Kabalo- Nyunzu- Kalemie ;
    • Railway Kindu- Kongolo- Kabalo- Kabongo- Kamina ;
    • A line linking Kisangani to Ubundu 1m spacing ;
    • A narrow gauge line in the region of the Uele (0.6m spacing) ;
    • Bumba- Aketi- Bondo ;
    • Bumba -Aketi- butadiene Isiro- Wemba.
  • Marine, river and lake network : 16,238 km :
    • The maritime reach Matadi-Banana (150 km) ;
    • The average reach of the Congo river (Kinshasa-Kisangani) : +/- 1700km, the Kasai River and tributaries (11,758 km) ; and
    • The upper reach of the Lualaba and lakes (2630 km).
  • We also find :
    • 40 river and lake ports equipped including Kinshasa, Ilebo, Kalemie, Kisangani, Mbandaka, Kindu and Ubundu ;
    • 3 sea ports : Matadi, Boma and Banana ;
    • 24 waterways which are the main alternative means of roads and railways ;
    • The lake system of Lake Kivu, 106 kilometers long linking Bukavu to Goma ; the Lake Tanganyika, 1 425 km long, linking the DRC to Zambia, Tanzania to Burundi ;
    • The river system from Kindu to Ubundu (310 km) and from Kongolo to Malemba Nkulu (390 km) ; and
    • So many private ports.
  • Air network : 270 airport facilities, including five international airports located in the following cities : Kinshasa, Lubumbashi, Kisangani, Goma and Gbadolite.
  • The opening up corridors of the DRC :
    • The Northern Corridor : transport corridor linking the port of Mombasa to the Great Lakes Region ;
    • Southern Corridor : transport corridor linking the DRC, for Kasumbalesa in southern Africa ;
    • The Central Corridor : transport corridor leading to the port of Dar es Salaam through Zambia ;
    • The Western Corridor : transport corridor linking the DRC to Angola.

II. Achievements

  • Rehabilitation of several airport facilities in the country, including : Ndjili airport in Kinshasa (terminal building, control tower and runways) ; Goma airport (enlargement of the runway) ; Luano Airport in Lubumbashi (enlargement of the runway) ; Bangboka airport in Kisangani ;
  • Creation of the national airline called "Congo Airways’ ;
  • Creation of the TRANSCO company to compensate for the bus shortage in Kinshasa ;
  • Elimination of illegal taxes and charges in the sector of river, lake transport ;
  • Rehabilitation of roads ;
  • The vehicle credit granted by the Congolese State to private operators of road transport ;
  • Rehabilitation of ITB Kokolo boat, cost 2.5 million USD ;
  • The reopening of the Benguela railway following the agreement between the Angolan and Congolese States
  • Equipment grant of 10 locomotives for SNCC.

III. Legal frameworks

3.1. Road transport

The law 78-022 Act of 30 August 1978 on new Highway Code, effective in July 25, 1979, regulates traffic on public roads of pedestrians, vehicles and draught-animals, load or saddle or cattle.

3.2. Rail transport

The railway sector is under a State monopoly in the DRC. The decree of the Sovereign King of October 10, 1908 on the policy of the railways, coordination of previous measures on the Railways Police as amended respectively by the 82 / TP orders of 18 September 1928 and 41/06 of 13 February 1954 on the same subject, is the principal legislation that governes the railway transport activities on the one hand, either the International Union of Railways, the Union of African railways or by the rail transportation public enterprises themselves.

3.3. Air transport

It is governed by Law No. 10/014 of 31 December 2010 on International Civil Aviation to, inter alia, provide the country with adequate and efficient aviation legislation.

3.4. Maritime transport

The ordinance-law 66-98 of March 14, 1966 establishing the Code of Maritime Navigation, is the basic framework of the legislation for maritime transport in the DRC.

3.5. River and lake transport

The ordinance-law 66-96 of March 14, 1966 establishing the Code of river and lake navigation, is the backbone of the legislation of the sector.

IV. Prospect

  • Develop a new public transport policy joining efficiency / profitability and social and setting up incentives to attract private investment in the sector, particularly in mass transport systems such as urban train, tramway and urban river transport ;
  • Improve the state of urban roads to reduce the cost of depreciation of vehicles and fluidify traffic ;
  • Increase the automotive cartage of public transport portfolio companies ;
  • Encourage private operators to invest in the sector through public-private partnerships, particularly in mass transport systems ;
  • Strengthen the capacity in rolling stock and spare parts of public carriers with around 1,500 buses in 5 years, at a rate of 300 buses per year ;
  • Create a national fund to promote public transport, funded by the toll roads and some public car parks in major cities ;
  • Rehabilitate and modernize the SCTP urban train ;
  • Establish urban river transport system of the SCTP to ease surface transport ;
  • Extend the railway Kin-Matadi until Banana for the implementation of the deep water port, etc.